A new video has been made instructing how smell training works to help recover from smell loss. Although far from a cure, it has been shown to help a significant number of patients who have lost their sense of smell particularly after a viral upper respiratory infection or head trauma where no physical nasal obstruction is present. Smell or olfactory training is analogous to physical therapy used to help restore limb movement after a stroke or ear training for musicians and singers. Much of the basis found over the possible benefit of olfactory training stems from German research published in 2009 and later supported by a 2020 meta-analysis.
The nice thing with olfactory training is that you can easily do this at home.
You will need to purchase four different essential oils: lemon, rose, clove and eucalyptus. You can easily obtain them online or from aromatherapy stores. You will also need four small amber colored empty glass jars with lids to store and utilize during treatment sessions.
Pour some of the essential oil quarter-way up into the jar and/or saturate a disc of watercolor paper and place in the jar. Keep the lid screwed on tight in between treatment sessions. The reason you only partially fill the jar is to allow airspace over the liquid for volatile odor molecules to build up in order to improve availability for sniffing.
Step 1: Hold the first jar about an inch away. The order in which you smell the oils does not matter.
Step 2: Relax and try to perform tiny little "bunny sniffs" into the nose. Do not sniff too quickly or deeply otherwise the essential oil vapor will pass too quickly through the nose and down into the throat/lungs where it does no good. You want to allow adequate time for the smell to be contained within the nose.
Step 3: Try this a couple more times, but overall, there is no need to spend more than 10 seconds for each smell. Then rest for a minute to allow time for the smell to wash out of the nose.
Step 4: Move on to the next smell and repeat as above.
Step 5: Perform above steps 2 times per day for minimum 12 weeks. You can do this for longer.
Why are these four particular fragrances used?
It's mainly based on data attempting to categorize smells the same way that tastes have been classified as being sweet, sour, salty and bitter. In 1916, a German psychologist Hans Henning developed a model for this which he called the ‘odour prism’, classifying smells as flowery (rose), fruity (lemon), spicy (cloves), resinous (eucalyptus), foul and burnt. In this way the olfactory system of the person undertaking the training is being stimulated by a wide range of different odor types. Foul and burnt are not typically used during olfactory training due to the unpleasant smell, though one can incorporate these odors as well.
Steroids, vitamin B, zinc, theophylline nasal spray, and α-lipoid acid have also been used to treat post-infectious olfactory loss, but thus far there is no definitive effective medical therapy available to date.
Treatment of post‐viral olfactory dysfunction: an evidence‐based review with recommendations. IFAR. June 22, 2020.
Effects of olfactory training in patients with olfactory loss. Laryngoscope, 119:496–499, 2009
Modified olfactory training in patients with postinfectious olfactory loss. Laryngoscope , 125:1763–1766, 2015
Henning, H. (1916) Der Geruch. Barth, Leipzig.
A note on Henning’s smell series. Am. J. Psychol., 33, 423–25. 1922.
Further studies of Henning’s system of olfactory qualities. Am. J. Psychol., 35, 436–445. 1924
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