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July 26, 2024

Suddenly Have Dizziness Lasting Hour(s)? Quick Way to Determine if Due to Stroke vs Inner Ear Problem

When a person suddenly experiences dizziness lasting hour(s) that does not subside even when still , the main concern is whether a stroke has occurred. There is a type of stroke that occurs in the cerebellar region of the brain which will not affect speech nor result in any type of paralysis. In this situation, the vast majority will go to the ER to get further evaluation. However, even in the ER, a HINTs examination (which can also be done at home) may be performed in under 1 minute to quick…
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July 24, 2024

40 Hertz Light and Sound Therapy Can Potentially Decrease Risk of Dementia (and Possibly Even Treat!)

Make sure the video settings are set to 2160p60!!! Or you will not see the 40Hz light flickering.  Version 1 above uses frequency clicks centered at 10kHz. Version 2 below uses higher frequency clicks that peaks at 10kHz. Studies at MIT and elsewhere are producing mounting evidence that light flickering and sound clicking at the gamma brain rhythm frequency of 40 hertz can reduce Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression and treat symptoms in human volunteers as well as lab mice. Hard to believe t…
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July 12, 2024

Double Rain Barrel in Response to Fauquier County Drought and Water Restrictions

On June 26, 2024, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued a drought warning for Fauquier County based on the presence and severity of hydrologic drought. This resulted in  mandatory outdoor water restrictions including prohibition of lawn irrigation systems.  As my wife is an avid gardener, this has resulted in exclusive hand watering of our home's vegetable and flower gardens using the rain barrel we installed in 2018 which has worked great... But a single rain bar…
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June 17, 2024

Dr. Chris Chang Ranked in the Top 75 Most Influential Otolaryngologists in the World on Twitter (Ranked #22)

There was a  research paper published in June 2024 that ranked the most influential otolaryngologists on Twitter. Dr. Chris Chang was ranked #22 in the world on Twitter! Pretty neat when Twitter (or X) is not my main social media focus. ( YouTube is instead.) But, you can follow me on Twitter (or X)  here . The full ranking can be found here  (Table 1) or partial list shown in image.
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June 09, 2024

2 Kids Die after Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery (T&A) at Children's Hospital

This month, it was reported that 2 children died after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T&A) surgery at McMaster Children's Hospital in Canada. One died in May 2024 and the other in June 2024. No details have been provided in terms of age, surgeon, or circumstances other than one died the day after surgery and the other 9 days after surgery. A third child "almost" died during this same time period at the same hospital in a separate report . Death after T&A surgery is exc…
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May 09, 2024

Lip Bump (Mucocele) Treatment

A small, painless intra-oral bump may appear on the lip, cheeks, or floor of mouth known as an oral mucocele. In the video above , the cyst happens to be on the visible part of the lip. In the video below , the cyst is located in the inside part of the lip.  The mass itself is soft when pressed. Most commonly found on the lower lip, this cystic mass is caused by the accumulation of mucous secretions, often provoked by traumatic injury or habitual lip biting. Mucoceles are prone to rupture and…
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