A new research paper has been published Oct 16, 2009 in Head & Face Medicine entitled "Minimally invasive application of botulinum toxin A in patients with idiopathic rhinitis" in which researchers successfully treated patients with a persistent runny nose not due to any known problems like allergy. Such a condition is called vasomotor rhinitis or idiopathic rhinitis or non-allergic rhinitis.
In this new described method of treatment, a sponge soaked with 40 Units of botulinum toxin type A was inserted into a patient's nose and left in place for 30 minutes. Apparently, this did result in a significant reduction in rhinitis (but not congestion) and lasted for as long as 12 weeks.
Read the abstract here.
Of course, this is a non-FDA approved use of Botox.
Historically, this condition is often treated with nasal sprays (ie, astelin) and decongestants with some success in some patients, but not all patients respond.
Surgical treatment include turbinate reduction which reduces (usually about 50%), but does not cure this condition.
Before you ask... NO we do not offer this procedure until further research and data becomes available.
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