June 06, 2021

Wristband to Resolve Tinnitus (Neosensory Duo)

A new treatment for tinnitus stems from research into bimodal stimulation. With respect to tinnitus, auditory would be one mode of stimulation which is then paired with a second mode of stimulation, typically sensory. Neuroscience research suggests that pairing two modes together using certain protocols can actually change a brain's neurological activity to a certain desired effect. It's almost like a hack to rewrite a computer program through a previously unknown backdoor.

Neosensory Duo is a haptic wristband developed by a Stanford neuroscientist, Dr. David Eagleman, that utilizes vibrations from the wristband paired with specific programmed sounds that claims to reduce tinnitus for over 80% of patients after 2 months of use. Patients reported an average of 25% reduction in tinnitus severity.

The protocol is fairly simple...

• Download the free app
• Put on the wristband and follow instructions on app after pairing.
• Listen to specially designed series of notes for 15 minutes a day. 

The sounds and wristband vibrations are synchronized which over time tells the brain which sounds are external and which are internal. Over the course of weeks, neuroplasticity sets in to pay less attention to the internal tinnitus sounds. Tinnitus becomes less challenging to deal with on a daily basis. Most customers participate in the subscription program for 2 months, though it can be used for longer.

As of this writing 6/6/21, the cost is $249 per month. No doctor's visit is required to obtain this device which can be ordered from the company's website here. We also have a link to this device in our Online Ear Care Store along with other tinnitus treatment devices.

Hard to know whether this device will be found to truly work with the test of time as more and more people try it out. But, it certainly can't hurt if one wants to try it out with realistic expectations that this device will NOT cure tinnitus, but rather potentially help reduce it's pervasiveness.

Use of sound-touch bimodal stimulation to reduce symptoms of tinnitus. Frontiers in Neuroscience. In preparation.

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Fauquier ENT

Dr. Christopher Chang is a private practice otolaryngology, head & neck surgeon specializing in the treatment of problems related to the ear, nose, and throat. Located in Warrenton, VA about 45 minutes west of Washington DC, he also provides inhalant allergy testing/treatment, hearing tests, and dispenses hearing aids.

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