November 18, 2016

Make Your Own Gaviscon Advance or Double Action for Reflux Control DIY

Image from Amazon
Before getting into how to make Gaviscon Advance or Gaviscon Double Action yourself from its component ingredients, you first need to understand how each ingredient contributes to reflux control. If you want to skip to the recipe, look below.

Alginate's affects on improving reflux has been known about for decades. Initial scientific studies on how it improves reflux were conducted in the 1980s.

Alginates are natural polysaccharide polymers isolated from brown seaweed (Phacophycae) and is classified as dietary fiber. Their ability to form viscous solutions and gels have led to their extensive use in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products for over one century.

As it pertains to reflux, perhaps the most interesting study on alginate was published in 1988 whereby alginate was labelled with 111In radioisotope in order to "see" what happens in the stomach.

In this study, they found that alginate forms an effective floating barrier against reflux... but that
"acid concentrations less than 0.05 N diminished raft formation. In vivo, raft formation was significantly better in normal subjects who ingested dilute acid with the labeled alginate/antacid than in subjects who ingested the labeled alginate/antacid with plain water. Gastric emptying of the labeled alginate was also slowed by the presence of acidified gastric contents. These results suggest that the formation of an effective alginic acid antireflux barrier requires acidic gastric contents." [link]
As such, if alginate is used, a patient should probably not ingest any proton pump inhibitors (nexium, prevacid, prilosec, etc) or H2 blockers (zantac, pepcid, axid, etc) for best effect which may seem counterintuitive.

In the presence of gastric acid, alginate has been found to precipitate forming a thick gel. Such alginate formulations usually contain sodium or potassium bicarbonate; in the presence of gastric acid, the bicarbonate is converted to carbon dioxide which becomes entrapped within the gel precipitate converting it into a foam which floats on the surface of the gastric contents, much like a raft on water. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that alginate-based rafts can entrap carbon dioxide, as well as antacid components contained in some formulations, thus providing a relatively pH-neutral barrier.

Another factor that affects the alginate raft is the presence of calcium and aluminum. Calcium increases raft strength (becomes more solid) while aluminum reduces raft strength (becomes more gel-like).

To summarize, for effective alginate treatment of reflux, acid as well as bicarbonate needs to be present. The level of solidity is determined by calcium and aluminum concentrations.

Alginate in ideal concentrations can be found in Gaviscon Advance or Gaviscon Double Action sold only in Europe. Be aware that plain "Gaviscon" which is sold in the United States is NOT the same as Gaviscon Advance. However, it can be purchased on Amazon with delivery in a few weeks.

More recent products specifically made utilizing alginate for reflux therapy include RefluxlyRefluxRaft, and Reflux Gourmet.

Watch video on how alginates work to control reflux.

How to Make Gaviscon Advance DIY

However, one enterprising Amazon user figured out a way to make their own Gaviscon Advance equivalent using ingredients readily available in the United States. Given supplies are purchased in bulk, it ends up being cheaper as well over the long term.

Gaviscon Advance is composed of 1000 mg sodium alginate, 426 mg sodium bicarbonate, and 650 mg calcium carbonate.

So one can purchase the following "ingredients" that make up Gaviscon Advance:

Sodium Alginate
Baking Soda (this is the sodium bicarbonate)
TUMS (this is the calcium carbonate)

To make a "single" dose to be taken after a meal, one would mix (watch video below on how to make more than one dose at a time):

• 1/4 teaspoon of sodium alginate
• 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda (1/8 teaspoon of baking soda is ~500-600 mg)
• Using a mortar and pestle, crush one 750 mg chewable TUMS antacid tablet into a powder

Mix all of this together (you can use a frother) with a few ounces of water to create a slurry which you can than swallow after a meal.

Quite a bit more steps than just purchasing Gaviscon Advance, but one can also request a Compound Pharmacy to do all this for you with each dose contained within a packet. WeCare Pharmacy in Warrenton, VA does this for patients in our area.

Use of 111In-labeled alginate to study the pH dependence of alginic acid anti-esophageal reflux barrier. Int J Rad Appl Instrum B. 1988;15(5):563-71.

Review article: alginate-raft formulations in the treatment of heartburn and acid reflux. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2000 Jun;14(6):669-90.

An alginate-antacid formulation (Gaviscon Double Action Liquid) can eliminate or displace the postprandial 'acid pocket' in symptomatic GERD patients. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Jul;34(1):59-66. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2036.2011.04678.x. Epub 2011 May 3.

Gaviscon® Advance alone versus co-prescription of Gaviscon® Advance and proton pump inhibitors in the treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Oct;275(10):2515-2521. doi: 10.1007/s00405-018-5079-0. Epub 2018 Jul 30.

gaviscon advance nexium prilosec pepcid reflux band

Fauquier blog
Fauquier ENT

Dr. Christopher Chang is a private practice otolaryngology, head & neck surgeon specializing in the treatment of problems related to the ear, nose, and throat. Located in Warrenton, VA about 45 minutes west of Washington DC, he also provides inhalant allergy testing/treatment, hearing tests, and dispenses hearing aids.

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Anonymous said...

According to the Gaviscon Advance label, the active ingredients are Sodium Alginate (1000mg)
and Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate(200mg); I infer from your formulation that Sodium Bicarbonate
is an acceptable substitute........

Anymouse said...

I am guessing the same thing? I have two bottles of Gaviscon Advance in front of me, the 250ml and 500ml and both have quite a few active and inactive Ingredients. Since no one else has bothered to post them, I will do it for future use.

Active Ingredients
1000mg Sodium Alginate
200 Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate
Inactive Ingredients
Calcium Carbonate
Mehtyl (E218) and Propyl (E216) Parahydroxybenzoates
Sodium Saccharin
Sodium Hydroxide
Peppermint Flavour
Purified Water

Anonymous said...

This is what I am showing from my two bottles of Gaviscon Advance (250ml and 500ml)

Active Ingredients
1000mg Sodium Alginate
200 Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate
Inactive Ingredients
Calcium Carbonate
Mehtyl (E218) and Propyl (E216) Parahydroxybenzoates
Sodium Saccharin
Sodium Hydroxide
Peppermint Flavour
Purified Water

Anonymous said...

According to wiki, potassium hydrogen carbonate is a synonym for potassium bicarbonate. So, if it's the bicarb that's the active part, I guess that's why sodium bicarbonate is a substitute. Interesting that the Calcium carbonate is not listed as an active ingredient. Wonder if it's necessary.

Anonymous said...

My recipe: 1 teaspoon Baking Soda and 2 teaspoon Natriumalginat in 200ml water. Stir, wait, stir again. 1 tablespoon from this gel at bedtime.

Anonymous said...

NOW Foods makes Calcium Carbonate in a powdered form for mixing into food/drinks. You can get it both on Amazon & eBay. TUMS also contains sucrose, corn starch, talc, mineral oil, natural and artificial flavors, adipic acid and sodium polyphosphate. The NOW product is pure calcium, with nothing else. No mortar & pestle needed.

Anonymous said...

Is there something that could be substituted for the tums for people with calcium issues? Magnesium, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Is there a way of doing this with bile sequestrants/binders, so they stay in the stomach for longer to help treat bile reflux ? I am guessing one would need to somehow integrate the bile sequestrant in sodium alginate. Or does anyone know another way that could work with bile sequestrants, some sort of gastric retention mechanism.

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