CS50+ High End Hearing Amplifier |
Given that caveat, there are a new breed of high-end amplifiers that approach the quality and safety of hearing aids. Such high-end hearing amplifiers typically run $300+, can be purchased over-the-counter (i.e., Amazon), and distinguish themselves from the low-end amplifiers in several key ways. Unlike low-end amplifiers which simply turn up the volume regardless of what type of hearing loss a person has and regardless of the sound environment (loud restaurant versus library), high-end amplifiers try to:
• Adjust the sound amplification based on what type of hearing loss you have. Typically, a hearing screening is performed through a smartphone. (Essentially, your smartphone is performing a hearing test.)
• The smartphone than adjusts the hearing amplifier sound output based on the results of the hearing screening (thereby minimizing risk of hearing damage to frequencies that hear better/normally).
• Finally, the device allows the user to select the sound environment such that hearing is optimized. For example, through a smartphone app, one can choose a setting for "movie theater" versus "restaurant" versus "library".
If you think about it, these are the exact same elements that make a hearing aid.... well, a hearing aid.
However, all these elements are driven by the user instead of a professional hearing specialist. Furthermore, such hearing amplifiers, even if high-end still fall short of the sound quality provided by a good hearing aid.
In any case, which are some of these high-end hearing amplifiers you can purchase directly? Check these out...
Low-End Hearing Amplifiers (just as an FYI that should be avoided)
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