In this study, 3 groups of patients were looked at divided into patients with mild, moderate, or severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These patients underwent sinus surgery, septoplasty, and turbinate reduction.
What was found was that patients with severe OSA with a mean AHI of 52 would go down to 43 (normal being less than 5) after surgery. Moderate OSA with a mean AHI of 22 down to 20. Patients with mild OSA did not have any significant changes to AHI at all.
In other words, for patients with moderate or severe OSA, although the AHI does decrease somewhat, it does not decrease enough that it really makes any clinical difference. Patients with moderate or severe OSA still had OSA... and still would need to use a CPAP or equivalent machine after surgery to correct their sleep apnea.
Another 2015 study supports the nominal improvement in OSA with nasal surgery.
Although at first blush, these results may not make sense, it actually does make sense when you consider sleep apnea to be a multi-level disorder affecting not just the nose, but the throat as well.
For example, the back of the tongue may fall backwards obstructing the airway causing sleep apnea. Correcting nasal factors would have absolutely ZERO impact on tongue factors of OSA.
In order to determine where these other anatomic factors may be that may contribute to OSA, a sedated or sleep endoscopy is often performed. Watch the video below.
Granted, patients may STILL wish to pursue sino-nasal surgery due to discomfort with their sinuses and nasal breathing... but patients need to be aware that their OSA may still remain essentially unchanged!
Sino-nasal surgery may also help with CPAP compliance as lower pressures may be required to address OSA compared to before surgery. Why? Because the nasal passages are more open after surgery so it is easier to push air into lungs when using CPAP.
Watch a video showing where snoring comes from here!
Effects of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and Nasal Surgery in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Mar 31;151(1):171-175. [Epub ahead of print]
Does Nasal Surgery Improve OSA in Patients with Nasal Obstruction and OSA? A Meta-analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Jul 16. pii: 0194599815594374. [Epub ahead of print]
1 comment:
This is bullshit. I had surgery performed to fix a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates plus fix a drainage issue.
I served 20 years in the military and was told that I had sleep apnea after a sleep study.
Guess what? the sinus surgery fixed the supposed "sleep apnea" problem. I no longer snore, and I sleep soundly every night.
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